A sequential property of CP(X) and a covering property of hurewicz

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23 Scopus citations


CP(X) has the monotonie sequence selection property if there is for each /, and for every sequence (σn : n < LJ) where for each n σn is a sequence converging poiritwise monotonically to /, a sequence (Fn : n < w) such that for each n fn is a term of σn, and (fn : n < w) converges pointwise to J. We prove a theorem which implies for metric spaces X that CP(X) has the monotonie sequence selection property if, and only if, X has a covering property of Hurewicz.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2789-2795
Number of pages7
JournalProceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1997


  • Countable fan tightness
  • Countable strong fan tightness
  • Cov(a1),∂,p
  • Hurewicz property
  • Lusin set, menger property
  • Rothberger property
  • Si(Γ,Γ),b
  • Sierpiriski set
  • Strong fréchet property
  • γ-set


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