American Journalism and "Fake News": Examining the Facts

Seth Ashley, Jessica Roberts, Adam Maksl

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Each title in the Contemporary Debates series examines the veracity of controversial claims or beliefs surrounding a major political/cultural issue in the United States. The purpose of the series is to give readers a clear and unbiased understanding of current issues by informing them about falsehoods, half-truths, and misconceptions—and confirming the factual validity of other assertions—that have gained traction in America's political and cultural discourse. Ultimately, this series gives readers the tools for a fuller understanding of controversial issues, policies, and laws that occupy center stage in American life and politics.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2019


  • 21st century
  • United States
  • history
  • journalism
  • objectivity

EGS Disciplines

  • Journalism Studies
  • Political History
  • United States History


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