Assessing the Early Holocene Environment of Northwestern Guyana: An Isotopic Analysis of Human and Faunal Remains

Louisa Daggers, Mark G. Plew, Alex Edwards, Samantha Evans, Robin B. Trayler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


This study used stable carbon δ 13 C and oxygen δ 18 O isotope compositions data to assess the extent to which diet breadths of northwestern Guyana changed during the Holocene. We analyzed human bone and enamel remains from seven shell mound sites dating between 7500 and 2600 BP. Our analyses demonstrate some degree of constancy in the availability of C 3 plants during the past several thousand years—though we note an increasing reliance on such plants beginning in the Early Holocene. We also document warming intervals during the Early Holocene (Early Archaic), which appear to correlate with dry periods known elsewhere in the central Amazon during this period.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalAnthropology Faculty Publications and Presentations
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2018

EGS Disciplines

  • Anthropology


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