Characterization and Failure Analysis of Solid-State Diffusion Bonded Ceramic-to-Metal Transitions

Yaiza Rodriguez, Timothy L. Phero, Luke Schoensee, Allyssa Bateman, Kyu Bum Han, Jim Steppan, Balakrishnan Nair, Brian J. Jaques

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Reliable, high-temperature, high-pressure transitions between ceramic heat exchangers and metal components enable higher efficiency in advanced power generation systems. Recent development of a novel cermet-filled seal ring design has shown potential to maintain a gas-tight seal through multiple thermal cycles up to 800­ ºC. Materials characterization and computational modeling provided insight to chemical behavior (i.e., solid-state diffusion) and mechanical integrity (i.e., stress) in the seal components. Results demonstrate a correlation between machining tolerance, assembly process, and diffusion behavior on the seal’s performance in ceramic-to-metal systems and helped guide the design efficacy of future seals.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 12 Apr 2019


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