Continental Pedagogy & Curriculum

Norm Friesen, Karsten Kenklies

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

14 Scopus citations


This article provides an overview of the theoretical and practical domain constituted by Continental Pedagogy, emphasizing key aspects of its history and theory. This overview is structured through the relations of the “didactic” or “pedagogical triangle” that joins educator, educand (the one being educated) and the world (narrowly: content or curriculum). The article concludes by highlighting how Continental Pedagogy represents ways of knowing and acting that are themselves irreducibly educative or pedagogical, and by reconsidering its relation to Curriculum Studies.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationInternational Encyclopedia of Education
StatePublished - 2023


  • J.F. Herbart
  • J.J. Rousseau
  • bildung
  • continental pedagogy
  • curriculum studies
  • didactic transposition
  • negative education
  • pedagogical relation
  • pedagogical triangle
  • pedagogy

EGS Disciplines

  • Education


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