COPD Administration and Adherence

Lily Knudsen, Jason Blomquist, John Dye, Madison Stuart, Mia Stallard, Micaela Cantrell, Morgan Folan, Ryan Sahwell, Yanira Madrigal

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


COPD disproportionately affects individuals living in poverty. There is a high burden of COPD for these individuals because of environmental pollution, exposure to tobacco smoke, and inadequate access to healthcare. Additionally, medication adherence is historically lower in disadvantaged populations, due in part to unaffordability or inaccessibility of said medications. Thus, innovative methods of increasing adherence among lower-income populations have been created. Previous research has supported the efficacy of nurse care/education visits as well as education regarding medication access resources targeted at this population. Success of interventions was measured by the reduction in episodes of COPD exacerbations. This can be measured by comparing how many ER visits related to COPD were made per year before the interventions versus following the interventions. Challenges that have been identified are patients’ unwillingness to visit the clinic, scheduling difficulties, unreliable patient transportation, lack of managerial support, language and learning barriers, lack of funding, and patient access to care. Solidifying funding for continued in-home nurse care visits, simplifying education materials, addressing language barriers, addressing costs, and monitoring exacerbation rates clearly has the potential to change the trajectory of this issue.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 12 Apr 2023


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