Dataset for Factors That Control Near-Source Infrasound at Open-Vent Volcanoes: A Case Study at Villarrica Volcano, Chile

Bryan B. Rosenblatt, Jeffrey B. Johnson, Jacob Anderson, Keehon Kim, Scott J. Gauvain

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


This data contains infrasound recordings from Villarrica's summit as part of a Boise State University field campaign. Infrasound was recorded from 20 stations over a week long period (Jan. 13 - Jan. 18, 2020). The data set supports and is used within the Bulletin of Volcanology publication "Factors That Control Near-source Infrasound at Open-Vent Volcanoes: A case study at Villarrica Volcano, Chile."

Original languageAmerican English
Media of outputOnline
StatePublished - 28 Jul 2021


  • Villarrica
  • acoustics
  • geophysics
  • infrasound
  • volcano


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