Effect of TiC addition on microstructure and magnetic properties for MRE 2 (Fe,Co) 14B melt-spun ribbons (MRE=Nd+Y+Dy)

W. Tang, Y. Q. Wu, K. W. Dennis, M. J. Kramer, I. E. Anderson, R. W. McCallum

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24 Scopus citations


Effects of a TiC addition on microstructure and magnetic properties in [MRE2.2 Fe14 B] (100-2x) 17.2 + Tix Cx (MRE=Nd+Y+Dy,x=1-5) ribbons, melt spun at a wheel speed of 16 ms, were systematically studied. X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis data revealed that the addition of TiC improves the glass formability in the mixed rare earth alloys without Co, resulting in partially amorphous alloys. TEM observations showed that the average grain size in the as spun samples decreases from 200 to 20 nm with increasing x from 1 to 5, confirming that the addition of TiC can significantly improve microstructure. For an optimized [MRE2 (Fe,Co)14 B] (100-2x) 17.2 + Tix Cx sample with x=2, spun at 25 ms and annealed at 750 °C for 15 min, the room-temperature magnetic properties of Hcj =11.8 kOe, Mr =7.2 kGs, and (BH)max =11.3 MGOe were obtained. Temperature coefficients for Mr and Hcj of -0.06 and -0.37%°C, respectively, also were measured in the temperature range of 27-100 °C. The new magnet alloy exhibits more uniform magnetic properties and a usable energy product to nearly 300 °C.

Original languageEnglish
Article number08B510
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2006


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