Epitaxial ScFeO3 films studied by ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy

Katelyn Wada, Nicholas Parker, Dmitri A. Tenne

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Scandium ferrite, ScFeO 3 is recently discovered to be multiferroic, i.e. a material that exhibits coexisting ferroelectric and magnetic ordering. We present a study of epitaxial ScFeO 3 thin films by variable temperature ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy. The 10 and 100 nm-thick films were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on (0001) Al 2 O 3 substrates. Room temperature Raman spectra show that ScFeO 3 films have a polar hexagonal P6 3 cm structure. The temperature evolution of the Raman spectra of a ScFeO 3 film measured in the range 10–1300 K indicate a transition to a non-polar (likely P6 3 /mmc ) phase; fitting of the temperature dependence of the Raman intensities yields a transition temperature of 950±50 K. High temperature Raman spectra indicate that there may be another structural transition around 1300 K. Raman spectroscopy results are consistent with other characterization data (x-ray diffraction, second harmonic generation) obtained by our collaborators.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 12 Jul 2018


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