Finding Solutions in the Patron's Favor

Mary Aagard, Audrey Williams

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Library Circulation departments have traditionally been rule driven, "by the book," black and white, and make no exception service points. What happens when transactions turn into conversations? When library staff and patrons have options to work together? Over the past few years, Albertsons Library Access Services (Circulation) staff have been empowered to make exceptions to rules and policies when lending materials to find solutions and help patrons. Such actions as increasing lending times, removing daily overdue fines, and being as helpful to patrons as possible forges cooperative relationships with patrons. The atmosphere of the Circulation Desk begins to promote positive interactions and outcomes that leave both the staff and patrons feeling good about what has transpired.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2015
EventIdaho Library Association Annual Conference -
Duration: 1 Oct 2015 → …


ConferenceIdaho Library Association Annual Conference
Period1/10/15 → …

EGS Disciplines

  • Library and Information Science


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