Five Ways to Reduce the Foreign Terrorist Threat to the United States

Mohan Limaye

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Nobody or no amount of money can guarantee total security. If the United States, however, implements the following five courses of action, it will in my judgment reduce its external terrorist threat to a large extent: 1.Pursue genuine attempts to promote democracy in those areas of the world where presently authoritarian or dictatorial regimes rule. 2.Be a good, well-behaved citizen of the world community of nations. 3.Call its troops home from abroad. In other words, close down its military bases on foreign soil. 4.Serve as a model of human rights protection for other nations by protecting human rights here at home. 5.Share its wealth with the poorest nations of the world, just because it has more.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationIntercultural Communication : A Global Reader
StatePublished - 2004

EGS Disciplines

  • Public Policy


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