Infrared AFM as a Technique to Characterize Nanoscale Features

Hanna Clark, Corey Efaw, Benjamin Bailey, Jacob Tenorio, Paul Davis, David Estrada, Elton Graugnard

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


AFM-IR offers a unique approach to analyzing chemical distribution on the nanoscale. Combining the capabilities of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy, AFM-IR introduces a new level of analysis that was previously unattainable. IR spectroscopy identifies material chemistry by measuring specific IR absorption. AFM measures topographical variation of a wide array of samples, from metals, polymers, ceramics, and biological materials. However, AFM does not allow for material determination, while the spatial resolution of IR spectroscopy is limited to the order of microns in scale. With this tool, anything that is active to IR, meaning it will vibrate when exposed to an IR source, can now be investigated with nanoscale spatial resolution. The ability to analyze material on the nanoscale and decipher its makeup is highly desired in many fields of research, including polymer development, materials degradation processes, alternative energies such as biodiesel, biomedical advancements, and next-generation semiconductor processes. This work is focused on developing an AFM-IR system for usage at Boise State and with collaborators, with successful work presented on an emerging semiconductor process called area-selective deposition via atomic layer deposition. Distinction of nanoscale thin films from a substrate was confirmed with AFM-IR, confirming selective deposition did occur.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 12 Jul 2024


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