Kalidasa's The Recognition of Shakuntala: A Lesson for the Hero in the Song of the Actress

Mohan R. Limaye

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In the Prologue to Kalidasa’s The Recognition of Shakuntala, after the Benediction (Naandee), the chief Actress (Nutee) sings a melody at the request of the Stage Manager (Sootra-dhaar): “While we are getting ready to begin the performance, please sing a song to entertain the audience” (my approximation of the original).  She sings:

“The bees kiss the delicate pollen of Shireesh flowers very softly.  And compassionate women in the prime of their youth pick those flowers very gently and put them on their ears” (Act I, stanza 4 in Prof. Kale’s edition).

The three operative words in the song are: “delicate”, “softly” and “compassionate”.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jul 2021

EGS Disciplines

  • South and Southeast Asian Languages and Societies
  • Dramatic Literature, Criticism and Theory


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