Maps Showing Selected Geology and Phosphate Resources of the Johnson Creek Quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho

Pamela Palmer, Warren Barrash, Pamela Dunlap Durkey, Nancy J. Wotruba, Mahasti Fakourbayat, Susan T. Miller

Research output: Other contribution


This report summarizes information on the thickness, grade, lateral continuity, phosphate resources, and ownership of phosphate-bearing units in the Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation in the Johnson Creek quadrangle. This report is one of a series of quadrangle reports prepared by the Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology under U.S. Geological Survey cost-sharing contract #14-08-0001-17925 to calculate phosphate resources in southeastern Idaho (fig. 1).
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 1985
Externally publishedYes

EGS Disciplines

  • Geology


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