Model Validation for Molecular Interactions of PDMS and Ni-Mn-Ga

Jaime Guevara, Matthew L. Jones, Eric Jankowski

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Medical micropumps that utilize the magneto-mechanical properties of Magnetic Shape Memory (MSM) alloys, such as Ni-Mn-Ga, are growing in popularity due to their consistency in providing accurate delivery against high back pressures. In these systems the interactions of elastomers, such as PDMS, against the alloy are of key interest, even at the molecular level, as this determines how well the pump functions. In previous studies we built a simulation model for PDMS and Ni-Mn-Ga that behaved in a satisfactory manner when compared to other simulation of organic-metal laminae. It is now our focus to properly adjust our simulation, through experimental comparisons, so as to better reflect and predict the interactions of PDMS and Ni-Mn-Ga under various circumstances.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 12 Apr 2019


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