Murder in Desolation: The 1853 Gunnison Massacre, Revisited

Todd Shallat

Research output: Other contribution


Geography was destiny, even a curse, in the grim remoteness of the Utah barrens where U.S. Army Captain John Williams Gunnison died. On October 26, 1853, on Utah’s Sevier River, Captain Gunnison perished in a shower of arrows, killed among the carnage of seven men in his command. One trooper escaped by plunging into the river. Another, half dead, thrown from his horse, burrowed into sagebrush until the screams dissolved into silence. Soldiers later found what appeared to be Gunnison’s thighbone. A headless torso had been knifed through the heart.(1)
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 14 Aug 2022

EGS Disciplines

  • Nonfiction
  • United States History

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