Plant secondary metabolites alter the feeding patterns of a mammalian herbivore (Neotoma lepida)

Jennifer S. Sorensen, Emily Heward, M. Denise Dearing

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

42 Scopus citations


Mammalian herbivores are predicted to regulate concentrations of ingested plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) in the blood by modifying the size and frequency of feeding bouts. It is theorized that meal size is limited by a maximum tolerable concentration of PSMs in the blood, such that meal size is predicted to decrease as PSM concentration increases. We investigated the relationship between PSM concentration in the diet and feeding patterns in the herbivorous desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida) fed diets containing phenolic resin extracted from creosote bush (Larrea tridentata). Total daily intake, meal size and feeding frequency were quantified by observing the foraging behavior of woodrats on diets containing increasing concentrations of creosote resin. Desert woodrats reduced meal size as resin concentration in the diet increased, resulting in an overall reduction in daily intake and regulation of resin intake. Moreover, desert woodrats were able to detect resin concentrations in the diet and regulate the intake of resin very rapidly. We suggest that the immediate and sustained ability to detect and regulate the intake of resin concentrations during each foraging bout provides a behavioral mechanism to regulate blood concentrations of resin and allows desert woodrats to make "wise" foraging decisions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)415-422
Number of pages8
Issue number3
StatePublished - Dec 2005


  • Creosote bush
  • Desert woodrat
  • Feeding frequency
  • Meal size
  • Phenolic resin


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