Raman Spectroscopy of Ferroelectric Thin Films and Superlattices

Dmitri Tenne, Xiaoxing Xi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Recent results of Raman spectroscopy studies of lattice dynamics and phase transitions in ferroelectric thin films and superlattices are reviewed. Raman studies of SrTiO 3 , BaTiO 3 , and Ba x Sr 1– x TiO 3 thin films in comparison to corresponding single crystals are presented; essential differences in the lattice dynamics behavior of thin films and single crystals are discussed. Application of ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy for studies of nanoscale ferroelectric heterostructures, such as BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices, is demonstrated.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalPhysics Faculty Publications and Presentations
StatePublished - 4 Apr 2008

EGS Disciplines

  • Physics


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