Simulation of an Industrial Magnetron Using Cathode Modulation

Andong Yue, Jim Browning, MIke Worthington, John Cippola

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Magnetrons can be phase-locked using external systems. An experimental setup using Gated Field Emission Arrays for the modulated electron injection offers a potential solution to this problem by permitting the injection of electrons into the interaction space. Current work focusses on extending previous simulation results into 3-D. A commercially available industrial cooker magnetron (the L3 CWM-75kW) has been successfully simulated by using the 3-D PIC code VSim under the magnetron’s typical operating conditions (18kV, 5A, 1900G, 896-929GHz). The simulation generated results that are consistent with known experimental results in terms of power and frequency.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 12 Apr 2019


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