Synthesis and magnetic properties of new pryochlore compounds Sm1.6M0.4Ti1.6Nb0.4O7 (M = Cu, Ni)

X. L. Li, Y. Ma, H. Xiong, Y. Q. Jia, X. H. Zhao, S. K. Ruan, J. Du

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New pyrochlore compounds Sm1.6M0.4Ti1.6Nb0.4O7 (M = Cu, Ni) are synthesized by a wet chemical method. The crystal structure of the compounds belongs to a cubic system with a cubic face-centered cell. The temperature dependence of the inverse susceptibility of Sm1.6M0.4Ti1.6Nb0.4O7 (M = Cu, Ni) in the paramagnetic region shows the ferrimagnetic behavior of the compounds. Fitting to the experimental plot of the inverse susceptibility of the compound versus temperature was performed. The temperature at 1/χ = 0(TFN) is (150 ± 5)K for Sm1.6Cu0.4Ti1.6Nb0.4O7 and (164 ± 5) K for Sm1.6Ni0.4Ti1.6Nb0.4O7. The compounds are weak ferrimagnets, not spin glasses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)331-337
Number of pages7
JournalPhysica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - Nov 2002


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