Temperature-Dependent Raman Scattering of Multiferroic Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3

A. F. García-Flores, Dmitri A. Tenne, Y. J. Choi, W. J. Ren, X. X. Xi, S. W. Cheong

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39 Scopus citations


Raman scattering measurements on multiferroic Pb(Fe 1/2 Nb 1/2 )O 3 over a wide temperature range from 10 to 500 K were performed. Very broad and overlapping peaks (first-order character) and a prominent high-frequency peak at ~ 1130 cm − 1 , which we assign as a two-phonon peak, were observed. These features showed remarkable changes in their Raman scattering intensity and spectral shape at the characteristic temperature T * ~ 330 K, clearly showing a structural lattice change at around T * . The temperature dependence of some stretching vibration modes of the B O 6 units revealed an anomalous frequency shift below T N ~ 143 K. These anomalous deviations at T N of the phonon frequency are associated with the spin–phonon coupling mechanism. Complementary magnetic data confirmed a weak magnetic ordering at room temperature and interestingly showed an anomaly at about T * . These results suggest an interplay between ferroelectric, structural and magnetic degrees of freedom in PFN, starting to be significant at around T * .

Original languageAmerican English
JournalPhysics Faculty Publications and Presentations
StatePublished - 12 Jan 2011

EGS Disciplines

  • Physics


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