U-Pb Zircon Age of the Krásné Loučky Tuffite: The Dating of Visean Flysch in the Moravo-Silesian Paleozoic Basin (Rhenohercynian Zone, Czech Republic)

Jakub Jirásek, Jiří Wlosok, Martin Sivek, Dalibor Matýsek, Mark Schmitz, Ivana Sýkorová, Zdeněk Vašíček

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<p> The only previous U-Pb zircon date for the the Early Carboniferous flysch sequence of the Moravian-Silesian Paleozoic Basin was published in 1987 from tuffogenic material from Kobyl&iacute; Quarry at Kr&aacute;sn&eacute; Lou&ccaron;ky near the town of Krnov (Silesia, Czech Republic). The measured age of 319 Ma did not agree with its stratigraphic position, and was used as the basis for a hypothesized block of Late Carboniferous paralic molasse incorporated during a later tectonic event. During a survey of the still-active quarry in 2010, volcaniclastic horizons were identified and sampled. Direct correspondence of the tuff units to those sampled in 1987 cannot be proved but is likely. High precision chemical abrasion - thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA-TIMS) U-Pb dating of zircon from this new material has yielded an age of 340.05 &plusmn; 0.22 Ma, which correlates to the previously inferred stratigraphic age of the locality and the current calibration of the Early Carboniferous geologic time scale. The newly established age corresponds to the Visean stage and dates the boundary between the Horn&iacute; Bene&scaron;ov and Moravice Formations that can be correlated with other foredeep basins of the Culm in the European Variscides. A population of detrital Cambro-Ordovician zircons and a single 2.0 Ga old zircon crystal from the same volcaniclastic layer dated by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) are consistent with the known age of source material in the Variscan orogenic front.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalGeosciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2014


  • Carboniferous
  • Horní Benešov Formation
  • Variscan foreland
  • Visean
  • chronostratigraphy
  • volcaniclastic sediment

EGS Disciplines

  • Earth Sciences
  • Geophysics and Seismology


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