University Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan & Reporting Guidelines

Vicki Stieha, Kay Wingert

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


<p> <strong> Why are we conducting regular assessment of the University Learning Outcomes in Disciplinary Lens classes? </strong></p><p> University Learning Outcomes (ULOs) are the &ldquo;glue&rdquo; that holds academic and social learning together in the undergraduate curriculum. Assessment at the course level focuses our attention on the outcomes and lets us answer the essential ULO questions: <ul> <li> To what extent are our students learning the skills, knowledge, and habits of mind that make up our outcomes?&rdquo; </li> <li> What do we do to support that learning &ndash; and what might we do to continually work to improve learning? </li> <li> What supports do we need to enhance learning? </li> </ul></p>
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2016

EGS Disciplines

  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


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