Vision-taction integration for surface representation

Nader I. Rafla, Francis L. Merat

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


A method vision-taction exploration (VTE) for generating surface descriptions from range vision and tactile sensor data is described. The range vision systems available provide sparse 3-D data about surfaces. These data are partially processed to provide primary surface features such as surface points and surface normals. With the use of tactile and force-torque sensors under position control, supplementary data are obtained and processed to generate surface features identical to those generated from the vision data. These two sets of data are integrated and processed in a higher level for surface representation and classification. The VTE process levels are described. The touch system has been implemented, and the resulting surface description is presented.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 1990
EventProceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering - Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Duration: 9 Aug 199011 Aug 1990


ConferenceProceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering
CityPittsburgh, PA, USA


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