Weak covering properties and selection principles

L. Babinkostova, B. A. Pansera, M. Scheepers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


No convenient internal characterization of spaces that are productively Lindelöf is known. Perhaps the best general result known is Alster's internal characterization, under the Continuum Hypothesis, of productively Lindelöf spaces which have a basis of cardinality at most א1. It turns out that topological spaces having Alster's property are also productively weakly Lindelöf. The weakly Lindelöf spaces form a much larger class of spaces than the Lindelöf spaces. In many instances spaces having Alster's property satisfy a seemingly stronger version of Alster's property and consequently are productively X, where X is a covering property stronger than the Lindelöf property. This paper examines the question: When is it the case that a space that is productively X is also productively Y, where X and Y are covering properties related to the Lindelöf property.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2251-2271
Number of pages21
JournalTopology and its Applications
Issue number18
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2013


  • Productively Hurewicz
  • Productively Menger
  • Productively Rothberger
  • Weakly Hurewicz
  • Weakly Menger
  • Weakly Rothberger


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